The things I thought this day

My parents made green pancakes.

Green is not a creative color.

I didn't miss you, cold.


I'll never be here again.

Turkey pepperoni sounds very delicious at this moment.

I hate peeling potatoes. They can eat their potatoes with the peels on for all I care.

Not cool, Robert Frost.

My hair still matches my eyes.

Oh, baby pine tree. Someday you will be beautiful and then we will cut you down.


Oh, I wish I had gotten one of those brownies.

How can she keep her Cadbury eggs in the same bag as her Goldfish? That can't taste good.

Stupid earwig. Die earwig, Die.

I can't believe I thought this would work.

She let him drive?!

Oh, I want to marry him. Oh, why is he engaged.

Hipster weddings.

The most important word in the English language is not love. It is remember.

You are the precious adornment worn around the neck of your ancestors.

Must lose weight while eating what I want and sitting on the couch.


Can you call them University boys?



This post is stupid. I hope people read the previous one.


  1. Awesome, I loved this post. I hope people read it when it is the previous one.

  2. "Can you call them University boys?"
    Sooo good.

  3. Stupid earwig. Die earwig, die.
    made my morning.

  4. "The most important word in the English language is not love. It is remember..."
    Im going to quote you, okay?
    ...cause youre really good at this game.

  5. I still have nightmares about "Green is not a creative color." Yeah. So thanks for reminding me of that...again. I also love EVERY SINGLE THING YOU WRITE. so there.
