Nelson, He said only six words.

I never wished the best wishes.
Small                Remembering is easy; reliving is difficult.
freckles   Needles
on my              in
knobby              my 
knees.                    arms
     realizing you'll never weigh           for
            100 pounds.                  hours.

Keys under my fingers like friends.

Arm, hammer, nail                                         HAMMERING
knife bullet noose.                                          FALSE

            Fireplaces that smell like Christmas eve.
Hi, I'm
Awful-                                Just lie here 
Who are you?                     and whisper small. 
I wish I could be embarrassed.                                    


I never really took French

À  q u a n d  r e m o n t e  l a  d e r n i è r e  f o i s  q u e  j' a i  d a n s é ?

A v e c  q u e l q u' u n ? 

S i  s e u l e m e n t  j e  p o u v a i s  t e  d i r e  c o m b i e n  j e  t e n a i s .

a v e c  a m o u r ,
                            a l i c e

How to Flirt

According to my mom: Just be nice. Stop being grumpy or no boys will ever like you. You have to at least pretend like you think that they are cool. They all have low self-esteem.

According to Charlotte Bronte: It is necessary to portray a helpless woman while also seeming independent. An innocent heroine who saves her love from beds set aflame will easily capture the heart of her lover.

According to Stephanie Meyer: Stare and give off an uninterested and creepy vibe. Become completely self-absorbed and dependent on your lover, and surrender yourself to his every will while having extremely low self esteem.

According to high school students: Hug at every opportune moment, snuggle up close to him when you are 'cold,' and laugh at every joke. Make sure to take note of every significant action he takes and exaggerate it while acting very impressed. Touch his arm.

According to my dad: Boys have low self-esteem.

According to followers of Steve Jobs: I <3 your data plan. Let's iMessage until 3am. :*

According to Beethoven:

According to e.e. cummings: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

According to a 12-year-old: Deliver chocolates to her doorstep but don't let her know it is you. Sign it Anonymous. 

According to the UPS man: Ask her to not only sign for the package, but to write her number.

According to birds: Dance like a crazy fool and puff up your chest in order to seem more important. Tweet.

According to Justin Bieber: As long as you love me, we could be starving. This could present a problem because we may both be near-dead, but as long as you love me, I'm sure we can find something to eat. (each other?)

According to Mr. Nelson: Love is a rattlesnake. Love is a toothbrush waiting for toothpaste. Love is like eating your first hamburger. Love is when my wife picks out my clothes for me. Love is rap music. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT LOVE IS, BUT IT SURE IS WONDERFUL AND ALSO A PAIN!

According to Alice: A waste of time that should never be practiced among peers because it demonstrates extreme incompetence and dependency.


The things I thought this day

My parents made green pancakes.

Green is not a creative color.

I didn't miss you, cold.


I'll never be here again.

Turkey pepperoni sounds very delicious at this moment.

I hate peeling potatoes. They can eat their potatoes with the peels on for all I care.

Not cool, Robert Frost.

My hair still matches my eyes.

Oh, baby pine tree. Someday you will be beautiful and then we will cut you down.


Oh, I wish I had gotten one of those brownies.

How can she keep her Cadbury eggs in the same bag as her Goldfish? That can't taste good.

Stupid earwig. Die earwig, Die.

I can't believe I thought this would work.

She let him drive?!

Oh, I want to marry him. Oh, why is he engaged.

Hipster weddings.

The most important word in the English language is not love. It is remember.

You are the precious adornment worn around the neck of your ancestors.

Must lose weight while eating what I want and sitting on the couch.


Can you call them University boys?



This post is stupid. I hope people read the previous one.


somebody different

He stands perfect,
Commander of the Stars,
Pleading for an impossible obedience
And raising a standard.
He battled for choice,
And entrapped the Father of all Hate.

His ultimate love enfolds us,
Despite superiority that makes
His compassion unnecessary.

And yet,

He builds bridges beneath us
And creates tangible comfort
Like warmth.
His scarred hand is a beacon
Among the black struggle.
Full of strength, never wavering.
Lost, look up.
Fallen, but not down.

The life in my lungs,
The blood pumping through my arteries,
The soul in my throat
All leap with unquestioned gratitude
For their mechanic functions.

His acceptance is unconditional,
And he already toils on high
To created a permanent home for us.

He eagerly and patiently awaits
With mercy draped around his very
Sending support and tears for sorrow,
His frame
Is selfless.



They lay there, side by side; so close they could feel each other's auras. She gazed up and he gazed at the outline of her face in the glorious dark. She said,

"It's like they are talking to us. I think I finally know what this is about."

and he said


She sat straight up and leaned back. "All these lights in the sky. It's all one terrific and challenging enterprise--great spheres of hot gas and fire and debris all surrounded with some kind of magnificent nothingness. To get anywhere, we have to trek through the nothingness and brace the threats of endless unknowing. To experience that glory of discovery and faith and...just new. We have to face the black."

He nodded his head. Face the black.

So they stared innocently upwards; not looking at specifically anything, not searching for a star to wish on, not for Andromeda, not for man-made satellites. Their eyes somehow opened to the vastness of the outside, managing to focus on the everything of it all. Seeing as a whole, seeing the integral parts of the oblivion, it changed things. And they knew. Instantly their eyes opened to the world outside of this one, and instantly they knew eternal purposes and never-ending promises. And as they grew older, they never hesitated or questioned because they remembered.

And now for some Star Wars quotes. (I know you secretly love them.)

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

“That’s no moon, it’s a space station.” 

“Into the garbage chute, flyboy!”

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”

"You don't need to see his identification...These aren't the droids you're looking for...He can go about his business...Move along."

"Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease."

"Yousa thinking yousa people ganna die?"

"I'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me."

One more...

"Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that."



I'm laying helplessly on the ground and attempting with considerable determination to eliminate the arch in my back. It somehow seems detached from reality; the vertebrae lifted in a perfect bend above the carpet. I want so badly to somehow force myself to mold completely with the flat surface beneath me, to merge my irregular and curved body with the straight, uniform lines of the foundations around me.

 I just, really want Nutella.

I guess what I'm saying is that I need to distort and carve myself to have harmony with everyone around me.


a famous death

It was supposed to be beautiful.

Lying in the bed until one night, you were just gone and your body weighed .3 oz less, because a part of you left, and they proved it. They scientifically proved it.

It was supposed to be perfect, like a good dream that never ended. Like an old man who looked forward to the future with his aging wife and his children around his bed, thanking him for his colorful life. We were supposed to hold your hand until the end and then look back and smile at all your jokes and look up and say how much we knew you were there and how much you would never leave. There would be tears and hugs and more tears but good tears. Like salt that somehow heals wounds with a sting that curdles blood.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

It was all over and everyone knew. I think they always wanted it this way, with the cameras and the flashes and the bullet that started a hundred wars. Wars of hate and wars of change and wars to fight other wars. Because you could never imagine making an impact without the gunshot,


Are you happy now?

So many angry people, so many unjustified parents, so much terror. Stop now, ban this, make a law against that. This isn't the problem, that didn't cause it.

          you just wanted the fame

You tried out for the second grade play when you were seven. You acted your best and you gave it your all but they made you the tree in the background.

A tree with no opinion,
                  no part,
                  no influence.

Maybe that was when it started
                   you just wanted the fame

And now, you can have it. You can have that nasty recognition that Mrs. Robertson or Smith or Almond never gave to you as a second grader. You can have the nation looking at your body that weighs .3 less and you can smile at your disgusting handiwork that gives you permission to look down and smirk with  pride. This doesn't change anything. Your news was only screams of spilled souls on the front page of every newspaper and you were the subject of every tweet and facebook and instagram and pinterest post for months.

You didn't understand the beauty of passing,

                                         you just wanted the fame.