--Things You Should Know But Probably Don't--

You should probably know already that I love Nutella.

I respect you enough to remind  you that I give in to wonder and am easily impressed and I'm always jealous of something that I don't have authority to be jealous of. I lose all reason in the face of beauty and marvel at anything that proves there is a God. I would hike the tallest mountain just to see the view and become an astronaut just to see the world.

You should touch my fingers and hair because I need connections and reassurance and contact. I need a
physical representation to satisfy my busy mind. You should know that one brush against me can do more than any words ever did.

You should learn how to play the violin  because you should know that the violin gets me. The violin reaches across my throat and holds me, pinned to the ground with nowhere to go. It hypnotizes me and erases me completely. 

I don't even play it.

You should smile because you would know that I hate doing what everyone else is doing but I refuse to go to a party alone.

You should be scared because you probably know (or will find out) how emotional I am.
I'm a girl.
That isn't why I'm emotional. I take everything very seriously and cry over spilled milk. I love you, but I don't know if you love me so I might hate you. I get lost in movies and still can't watch Jurassic Park because I get nightmares for weeks. I'm impulsive and should have never been allowed to text in the first place.
You should also most likely bring me Nutella when things like this happen.

You should know that I'm 13th in the Lone Peak Class of 2013, and that's pretty cool, cause 13 and '13.

You should know the name of my other blog and read it when I'm not watching.

You should stare at me because you would know that I only pretend that it makes me feel uncomfortable, your eyes on me. You should know how much I love faces. Faces speak when speechless and in their eyes I see a different color fire in each pupil. The rings under the all-seeing globes hang limp and unnoticed but I see them. You should know that I love to watch the corners of your mouth twitch with every new thought and perception.

Never forget how much I love writing words. How much I hate writing things like this and that when I write about myself it just isn't going to be good writing, okay? 

You should absolutely know that there is no way I would ever read this as a slam poem and that I am terrified to do that. You should also know that I hardly ever get nervous and I've only blushed once.

You should know that I eat turkey pepperoni and craisins and you should know about my dog. You should know that I hate mexican food and that I hate group projects. You should always remember when my birthday is, which by the way is July 6th, and you should get me presents even when I don't get you one. You should take me camping and bring the bug spray because I always forget it, and you should bring your guitar so that we could sing songs around the campfire. You definitely should not force me to go to institute. You should clap when I do a flip on the trampoline because you should know it took me eight years to figure it out. You deserve to know that you should keep your ringer volume loud on your cell phone at night so you can be awake when I call you in the middle of an anxiety attack. You should catch the spiders in my room and never tease me about it. You should write valentines with me. Or to me. You should know that I hate sitting in the back but for some reason I'm sitting there because I sit where the teacher puts me. You should know that I really didn't want to be a bucket list item. (I became your bucket list item)

You should know that I hate the name Alicia but love the name Alice and I wish I could be Alice. Alice the brave, Alice the wonderful, Alice the wanderer. I'm attached to Alice just like I've been attached to every boy who said I was beautiful and every dog that ever licked my hand. Can I be Alice in my dreams? Maybe then I can walk the wet, shining streets of Paris and throw my hands out and call this place her home, where she'll never leave and always welcome the girl who once used her name to impress people.

Remember me, 
Forget me,
Tear me to pieces.
I'm sorry for lying.
Tempt me.

Kalli Paige