A tempting Introduction for the hard-hearted.

Unoriginality may or may not be my middle name, but for now, my name is
Alice, Alice, Alice.
A traditional name for an eccentric girl who never understood the world. Alice, like wonderland. Alice, with the last name C.
C. for conventional, C. for Cooper (as in the 60's rock star), C. as in "Can't have no last name".
Simply put, I'm Alice and I'm an avid reader. Writer. Doodler.

I wish there was a way to stop stretching the truth. I wish there was a day when I could be original, unique, alone. If I could touch my toes then you would like me. Read me. Love me. Surround me with endless compliments, even if they are lies. Lie about who you are. Lie about what you think. Pretend you know me, pretend I'm your lost dog or your best friend or your dead grandma. Pretend I'm Alice in Wonderland, pretend I'm Alice Cooper the rock star, pretend that I'm Alice.
But never Alicia.

There's already somebody else with the name Alice.

HOW conventional, HOW old-time-english, HOW unprofessional and uncreative.

I tried to impress you and I've plummeted into an endless plume of hazardous smoke, full of the stench of high school and failures and drugs. I've tried and failed. I can see by the look on your face that you've already given up on me, that you've left Wonderland.
Whisper criticisms in my ear and flaunt your cruel words with endless torment at my secrets. I'll tempt, I'll lie, I'll take your hand and force you to touch. Don't acknowledge my existence until you can imagine my face screaming at your brain and holding your heart in my hands. I'm only scared to show you the Alice that envelops the dark ruins of my once-wonderland, destroyed by hate and scraped clean of all bitter innocence.

And I can never escape,
No matter how hard I try,
No matter how many times I fail,
No matter 
No matter
No matter

Tempt me.



  1. I love this. Can't wait for Wonderland and Paris to suck me in. I will keep an eye on this one.

  2. Ahmazing.
    I like you already.

    Oh. Being able to touch your toes is overrated. I can tell you from personal experience, it freaks guys out.

  3. "I wish there was a way to stop stretching the truth." My favorite line. And I love that word 'plume'. This is an incredible beginning.

  4. "But never Alicia"
    Favorite line.
    Good work:)

  5. Alice, your words flow like butter from my warm after school rice.
